I've used the Seatools for DOS program to test drives that where configured in Intel RST RAID5 before without issues, but I have one drive that is not cooperating which makes it very suspect to me for a Seagate RMA. It was explained that this is so even if the operating system never loads as is the case with a boot to Seatools for DOS from a CD. The reason I ask this question is that in a consultation with Seagate tech support, the rep indicated that Seagate Seatools for DOS can only effectively test the drives if they are not in a RAID configuration. If I execute Ctrl I to get into the menu and select "Remove Drives from RAID" and then allow a boot to a CD with Seagate Seatools for DOS, can I subsequently go back into the Ctrl I menu and rejoin the drives into RAID5 with out losing, damaging or destroying the original RAID Volume? My question pertains to the Ctrl I options displayed during boot. The RAID5 volume was created with the Intel RST program, not the Ctrl I menu.

I have an Intel DX58SO running Win 7 Pro 圆4 and three of four Seagate 500GB SATA Hdds in Intel RST RAID5 configuration.